All About French House Co-Op

Referred to alternately as "Heaven on earth," and "Oh my God, like totally the most seriously kick-ass place on the like, whole planet," French House is a student-run, student-owned housing cooperative in Austin, Texas USA. French house provides a comfortable home to twenty people, mostly upper-division and graduate students. We live together, cook together, and decide everything democratically. French House is part of The Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC) , a student-run non-profit organization that owns and maintains nine co-ops in Austin. We are located in the heart of West Campus, on 21st Street between Pearl and Rio Grande, also known as "Co-op Row." It is within 100 yards of four other co-ops.

French House has a lot of traditions that distinguish it from other co-ops. First of all, we are a meat-eating house. We have no problems with vegetarians, but we do not offer to accommodate them in our dinners or kitchen budgeting. Secondly, we do not allow TVs in the common rooms of our house, except for special events. We have about a dozen broken TVs on the roof of our house (as in: "TVs are better when they are broken.") Third, we are primarily a house for upper-division and graduate students. Non-students and lower-division students must be specially voted in. Fourth, we do not allow dogs, but we will accept other pets on a case-by-case basis with a house vote.

"Why the hell is it called French House?" you ask? Well, for no particularly good reason. Many years ago, French House was a co-op for people who wanted to speak French together. But that hasn't been the case for a long time. We are not French, nor do we speak the language, except to say "Bonjour, French House" when answering the phone. If you think French House might be the right place place for you, we strongly encourage you to drop by at your convenience and join us for dinner. We serve dinner every Sunday-Thursday from 7:00-7:30, at which time we can also give you a tour and answer any questions you might have. You can also contact our membership officer with any questions. Au revior!

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