Alumni Bios

Courtney Bell
Courtney is not terribly well acquainted with the planet Earth. She spends most of her days in an elaborate fantasy world that, were you to visit, you would certainly prefer to this one. To you, her small single in the upstairs annex may seem no more than a glorified closet but to her it's a vast sweeping plain where herds of unicorns run free. One lonely mountain peak, rising in the distance, is capped by a breathtaking palace. It is in this palace, also known as room #13, that Princess Courtney resides.
Andrew Bresnen
Andrew ("Good Andrew", "Single Andrew", "Andy-B", "Bressy Boy", "The Bresinator") has the largest, awesomest room in the house. He's had it since the year 1614. Someday soon he will die and I will have his room. Bwahaha!
Steven DeGennaro
Steve (Steve-O) is a guitar-strumming, go-playing, misanthrope whose happiness hinges on the presence or absence of Eggo waffles in our freezer. He's famous 'round these parts for abstaining in absentia on crucial house votes. If you don't know what that means or why it's a subtle mockery of the whole democratic process, you've obviously never lived in a co-op. Steve lives in room #9.
Andrew Fogelsong
Andrew ("Evil Andrew", "Double Andrew") lives upstairs in room #8. He has strange taste in music and wears distinctive shirts. His appearance alternates between "crazy 'fro" and "crazy 'fro with scruffy beard." Andrew is also famous for the biting wit of his Friendster testimonials.
Alexis Kanter
That's Madame Alexis to you! Author of the internationally syndicated advice column "Whoo Sex," Ms. Kanter is the undispuated queen of the French House downstairs. She is one spicy meatball! Currently French House's education officer and formerly ICC's education coordinator, Alexis is also an accomplished improvisational comedienne, four-time air hockey champion, and noted astronomer. For example, she was the first to discover that Earth can fit inside Jupiter ONE MILLION TIMES! (Previously thought to be only 1300). She resides in room #2.
Norbert Kirschler
Norbert is French House's lovable exchange student. He hails from Austria, where apparently no one ever has to study. When not suffering under the oppressive regime of America's school system, Norbert likes to play golf and "look" at the "photos" on James' computer. He's been studying English longer than most of us even knew Austria existed. He lives in room #3 with James.
Silas Kulkarni
Silas is craaaaaaazy! He looks uncannily like a pirate and acts like strangely like a sloth. He's lived at French House since fleeing the wrath of the Royal Colonial Police. Last year, while serving as ICC's Board Coordinator (i.e. Head Dude) he rocked the hizzouse. He lives in room #10 with Ryan.
Sara Reyes
Sara is a delightful debutante from San Antonio, Texas. She's heiress to the world's largest salsa empire, but is sweet enough not to hold that over our heads. After a long absence, she has returned to Austin in dramatic fashion to pursue a degree in chemistry. She lives in room #12 with Hillary.
Margaret P. Wardlaw
Margaret ("Shmarg") is our banjola-strumming armpit-hair-sportin' membership officer. She's obsessed with midwifery (pronounced mid-WHIFF-er-ee). If you want to live at French House, she's the friendly face that will give you a tour, answer your questions and seduce you to join the dark den of debauchery that is French House Co-Op. She lives in room #6.
Hillary Weaver
If you live at French House, you better do your labor and you better wash your dishes because if you slip up for even one second, Hillary is gonna show you up--I mean she's gonna *smoke* yo ass--with one of her famously cruel and direct white board messages. She can often be seen riding around town in a horse and carriage (no that's not French House lingo for her "wheels" or her "ride", I'm talking about an actual horse. Neigh.) She lives in room #12 with Sara.
Ryan P. Young
Ryan is a huge dickhead. Among his numerous flaws is a propensity to call other people "insensitive clods" without any justification whatsoever. He's self-righteous, conceited, and under the bizarre delusion that he is both sexy and a good dresser. Oh yeah, he smells bad too. He resides in room #10 with Silas.

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